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In 1980 this hobby born in my life. With a small dipole antenna and a small rig with 5W and 40 Channels AM  band.

Since the beginning DX´s was the best and amazing activity i made and during 8 years i made several countries.
My old call sign was GE141
DX was until today one Passion.

During those years, the dream of returning one day on frequency remained alive.

In November 2015 this hobby back to wake up.

I restarted my activity in DX's, and what a great start.

Everything is ready to fill the world map!

After almost 2 months enjoying the DX, 32 DXcc, 4 Continents and 5 IOTA Groups, Amazing days, how I can be off so many  years!
-After 1 year, 80 DXcc reached, 6 Continents and 24 IOTA Groups!
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© 2015 by 31GE141

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